The main indexes are building upon early morning gains, with the sp' seemingly making a charge for next resistance in the 1750s. Yet...for those carefully watching..something exceptionally unusual is possibly beginning...something that could be simply unbelievable across the next 2 or 3 years.
Sp'1744s...and no sign of it stopping.
A good example of what is going on...AMZN. A loss making retailer...but Mr Market doesn't care.
There is NO WHERE ELSE FOR THE MONEY TO GO, so even the over-valued stocks are going to ramp from here.
AMZN, weekly.
If a loss maker can rise almost 1000% in four years..what will the profitable ones do into 2015/16..if things merely 'hold together' ?
One trillion of new Fed money..per year...with no end.
The biggest hyper-ramp..the markets have ever very likely only just beginning.