US equities opened a little higher, and built moderate gains to sp'2724, before choppy cooling into the afternoon. This kind of price action is to be expected ahead of the FOMC, even where the capital markets are well aware of what the fed are going to do.
VIX was similarly choppy, settling in the low 18s. If new historic highs in most/all of the main indexes this spring, single digit VIX will likely be seen once again, but less regular/sustained than we saw in 2017.
France, monthly
With 7 trading days left of March, the CAC is -1.3% at 5252, notably under the key 10MA (5287). I would look for a monthly settlement >5300s.
Spring officially begins |
Extra charts in AH (usually around 7pm EST) @ https://twitter.com/permabear_uk
Goodnight from London
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