Thursday, 28 January 2016

VIX resumes cooling

With equity indexes closing moderately mixed, the VIX was back in cooling mode (intra low 21.90), settling -3.0% @ 22.42. Near term outlook offers the sp'1920s, with a mid' February target of the 1940/70 zone, and that should equate to VIX 18/17s.




Suffice to add, yesterday's messy FOMC action is now fading away.. and the VIX is naturally resuming cooling.

It seems highly probable that we'll see at least a few daily closes under the key 20 threshold.

*if I am right about sp'1970s - around mid Feb', then VIX could get as low as the 17s. Anything <15 looks out of range, not least as underlying equity price action is clearly still very bearish.

more later... on the indexes