Tuesday 14 July 2015

12pm update - provisional sign of a turn

The VIX is offering the first sign of a near term floor, having hit 12.98.. along with sp'2108. There is a rather clear gap zone from the 14.70s to 16.80s. A Wednesday washout to sp'2080.. with VIX 15s looks very viable.. before resuming higher into next week.



Little to add.

For the equity bears.. its been a rough time since last Friday morning. Regardless of any weakness this afternoon.. and tomorrow morning, the broader trend still looks upward into August.

notable strength...TWTR

5min cycle

Rumours of a $31bn buyout offer... but right now... subsequent chatter of denials are flying around.  Crazy.

I've eyes on INTC.. perhaps to pick back up tomorrow late morning.. right now the 29.50/30 zone looks viable.


VIX update from Mr T. .. better late than never.

time for a cool drink