Wednesday, 17 December 2014

3pm update - minor swings on interest rate talk

With Yellen talking about interest rate hikes... the market is a little twitchy, having cooled from sp'2012 to 1997. VIX remains cooling though, -9%, having already lost the 20 threshold. Gold remains weak, -$5. Oil is back to flat, having lost earlier powerful gains.




Sure is one interesting day....

The equity gains remain significant.. and right now, the notion of an eventual hit of 1950.. looks completely unrealistic.

Broader upside still looks underway.

3.07pm... Price action remains broadly choppy... but hey.. we're still net higher... and the bigger weekly cycles will be offering clear turns by the Friday close.

VIX remains cooling -9.6%... set to close in the 21/19 range.

3.23pm... another wave higher.. .sp'2003.....  bears on the run.  Still chance of a daily close in the 2010/15 zone...

regardless... the broader trend/turn is clear... right?