Thursday, 20 February 2014

2pm update - holding the gains

US equities are holding gains, with the sp'500 set to fully negate the Wednesday decline. The two leaders - Trans/R2K, are higher by 1.4% and 0.8% respectively. VIX is melting lower, -4.8% in the 14.70s. Metals are slowly building gains, Gold +$8


R2K, daily


With the trans holding above the big 7000, ..and pulling back upward..the market looks set for new highs.

Aside from that, there isn't much else to note this hour.

Strength: UAL +5.2%....and set for much higher levels.

2.16pm.. kinda quiet out there today in chart land (or maybe its just me).

I'm just staring at the daily/weekly charts...all point to a key inter'3 top...just 4 weeks away.

Been a long wait...8 months...1 to go...more on that later though.