Monday, 10 February 2014

1pm update - TSLA and AAPL on the rise

Whilst the broader US equity market remains quiet, there is noticeable strength in two of the big names.. Tesla (TSLA) and Apple (AAPL), higher by 5.6% and 2.3% respectively. Notable weakness in Natural Gas, with the bullish (3x leveraged) ETN of UGAZ -10%.

TSLA, daily

AAPL, daily


TSLA has just broken a new historic high, breaking the Sept'30' high of 194.50. I'm frankly bemused at this. Oh well, earnings are due next week. Did they sell 3 cars in Q4, or 4 ?

it remains one of those days when the indexes are stuck in nano-chop mode. No doubt, the earlier QE is helping to negate what sell side there is out there.
So long as Yellen doesn't say anything stupid tomorrow morning, equity bulls should be fine, with long-stops in the 1775/70 zone.

A quiet afternoon ahead.  Anyone who can stay awake...deserves a prize.