Thursday, 24 January 2013

11am update - the big sp'1500

Its been a long time since we saw the sp'1500s. Meanwhile, the Transports is showing continued strength..and its in an accelerated stage. A blow-off top, or just relentless ramp - fuelled by POMO money...for years to come? VIX is holding fractional gains.


Trans, daily



Still no sign of the indexes levelling out, quite the contrary in the Transports shows. The big 6k level is now easily within range.

To my own surprise, I still don't see many out there suggesting sp'1700s - with Trans @ 7k by year end.

The 'Bernanke bux',...are fuelling much of this..and it is scheduled to NEVER end.

Its probably time to get the Birinyi ruler out.