Thursday, 19 November 2015

11am update - continued chop

US equities remain in chop mode... leaning a touch on the weaker side. There is clearly going to remain threat of increasing chop/weakness into the Friday opex, but regardless of the exact weekly close... the trend into December remains powerfully bullish.



As was the case in the 1871/2116 wave, there are going to be sporadic minor retraces...  but that is all they will likely be.

Even the sp'2050s now look out of range... not least if you are of the view that the wave from 2116-2019 was a sub'2. By definition, any subsequent wave'3 will keep pushing upward to 2116... with new historic highs by the Dec' FOMC.

Scary thought huh?

notable strength: AAPL, +0.8% in the $118s.

First target is the upper level of the gap zone.. 120/121.. where the 200dma is lurking. Those equity bull maniacs seeking new historic highs - and SUSTAINED broad market upside into spring 2016.. are going to need to see AAPL >$133.

time to shop... back soon