Friday, 13 February 2015

2pm update - minor weakness

US equities turn a touch weak, with the hourly MACD cycles offering a turn. However, with the Greeks likely to do as their German/EU masters order next Monday, there is little reason why the market won't be able to re-grind higher next week. Metals are holding gains, Gold +$6




*the gains in metals are kinda interesting, but they don't negate the mid/long term down trends from spring 2011. Indeed, right now, GLD is offering the second consecutive daily black-fail candle.. that bodes for the metal bears next week.

little to add.

Marginally interesting to see the market turn red.. but clearly.. its nothing significant. Indeed, right now.. there is no reason to get excited... if even the low 2070s next Tuesday.. and that sure doesn't look likely.

notable weakness, SDRL, -5.8%.. after giving up hope on a $1.1bn order.