Thursday, 13 March 2014

3pm update - a day for the bears

US indexes remain significantly lower, sp -22pts in the mid 1840s. Metals are moderately higher, Gold +$5. With the break <sp'1850, there is near term downside to the 1835/30 zone - where the 50 day MA is lurking. VIX is holding gains of 11% in the low 16s.




*the gains in the VIX are reasonable, but we're in the 16s..and fairly strong resistance zone..will be VERY tough to break/hold the 17s tomorrow.

Well, after some opening gains, we've certainly seen some notable weakness today.

Regardless of the close, it'd seem we'll slip lower tomorrow into the low 1830s..before the next opportunity of a bounce.

The Russia/Ukraine situation is quietly simmering...but it won't remain that way for that much longer. It only takes one soldier with an itcy trigger finger to turns thing hot.

updates.........into the close.

3.11pm... weak weak weak... sp' one wants to buy into early tomorrow.

It sure looks like we are going to get close to the low 1830s tomorrow, where the 50 day MA will be lurking.

VIX +13% in the 16.30s....kinda interesting...but still...a long way from 20.

3.20pm.. rats are selling into the close...and VIX continues to creep higher.. +15% @ 16.66

3.43pm.. watching the Taco Bell CEO on clown finance TV, reminds me how clowney some people can be. Incredibly bizarre.

Market remains weak...and we're going to close with the first significant declines since Feb'3rd

3.52pm.. 5min cycle maxed out....should roll lower into the close....