Tuesday, 15 January 2013

11am update - Tiresome Tuesday

Its getting tiresome already in market land. Certainly, we are starting to pull away from the 1472 high, but we're still less than 0.5% away, and meanwhile, the Transports puts in yet another high. There are endless signs of the underlying strength that has continued since the summer 2012 low of sp'1266..some 200pts lower!




I'm certainly still guessing we see a retracement, at least to the low sp'1440s, but possibly to fill that giant gap in the mid 1420s.

Clearly though, today is going to remain dull.

Unless you're an AAPL holder in which case its not so dull...urghh...

A wash-out move in AAPL to the 475/450, with sp'1425 ?